03 August, 2011

First aid; What if someone is bleeding?


These tips are general recommendations for an emergency. Not intended to replace professional classes in first aid and resuscitation.

The main objective of the person providing first aid is to stop the bleeding of the victim as quickly as possible.

The severity of bleeding is closely related to the volume of lost blood through the vessels blood, the greater the volume of blood lost, the greater risk to the maintenance of life. Thus, the bleeding can range from mild to severe.

Depending on the injured vessel, the bleeding is arterial, venous or capillary, and as the place where blood is lost, the bleeding is external, internal or externalized, ie, occur within the body but flow out through a natural orifice of the body such as ears, nose, mouth, anus or genitals.

Before any bleeding should:

  • Monitoring vital signs.

  • Control and stop the bleeding using:
    • The direct compression with the hand or a finger on the bleeding focus.

    • The compression of the artery that provides blood to the bleeding wound.

Severe bleeding or bleeding from small wounds usually stop in a few minutes to make pressure on the bleeding point with a cloth or a handkerchief, which should be as clean as possible.

The deepest wounds or cuts that affect the veins produce dark blood oozing slowly and steadily. Bleeding usually can be stopped by pressing it gently into the wound with a clean cloth or tissue and then applying a clean bandage. Often needed sewing or suturing the wounds so it will be necessary to consult a physician after first aid.

The bleeding of an artery can be a serious problem and even cause death in minutes if the bleeding is controlled, so that some appropriate emergency first aid is essential. This type of bleeding does throb and the blood gushed out each time it beats the pulse. The blood is usually bright red and intermittent spurts.

To stop bleeding from an artery, is to exert strong pressure on the bleeding point and keep it until the patient receives appropriate medical treatment. Press a clean cloth or use a hand if there is anything else available. Put a bandage on the wound if possible. If blood soaks through the bandage press harder until the bleeding stops. Do not remove soaked bandages because it will draw the blood clot formation, but if necessary, place another on top.

If by direct compression on the wound to stop bleeding is achieved, you can try to compress the artery that carries blood to the wound, especially hemorrhages in the extremities.

Only in very special cases (when other methods are not effective, the bleeding continues and may mean the loss of life) technique can be applied tourniquet. If you take the decision to loosen a tourniquet is recommended every few minutes and should be targeted where they can, even with his own blood, the time when it was laid.

should be the person lie down, preferably with the head lower than the body. This will ensure that sufficient oxygen reaches the brain. If possible, position the wounded area higher than the rest of the body so that the pressure and therefore reduce the bleeding.

Do not attempt to clean the wound. Arterial bleeding should be treated by a doctor.

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