30 April, 2011

Back care at work

Injuries can occur

Vertebral fractures

are typical of construction workers and miners, by falls or by release of heavy metals on the patient. The usual mechanism is a forward bending of the body compresses (s) vertebra (s) so that they deform more flattened in front than behind, is a typical fracture "wedging" which represents the vast majority of these lesions.

Lord sorrowing back
Awkward postures or maintained provoke a reaction of the muscles and therefore a muscle contraction.

The higher the bone deformity are at greater risk of compressing the spinal cord, so the severe crushing should be operated. The most common surgery involves fusing the vertebrae damaged the neighbors, adding an internal metallic material that supports the assembly.

Milder cases are treated with a brace for months followed by rehabilitation.

Contractures spinal

vertebrae are arranged in a chain. The position of each link or vertebra over the other depends on the ligaments and muscles.

The postures or maintained trigger a reaction of the muscles, which are kept in continuous contraction. The lack of relaxation causes muscle pain. It's called "muscle contraction", which means the vast majority of back pain.

Also, any traumatic injury to the back, either fracture or sprain, cause this type of muscle reaction.

Vertebral sprains

Typical drivers, crash occurs and sudden stops, causing a swinging movement of the head distended (and sometimes break) the ligaments connecting the vertebrae.

This case is almost unique to the cervical vertebrae due to the particular anatomy of this area.

The treatment of severe cases is surgery, because of the risk of spinal cord injury. The mild and moderate cases, which are the vast majority are treated with cervical collar for several days followed by a period of rehabilitation.


Postural hygiene concept

postural hygiene is a set of physical activity standards must be met to prevent injury, back here.

These rules apply to the right and wrong way to make an effort and depend on specific job But in the case of the back can be divided into two groups: those that must be continually sit workers (clerks and drivers) and those affecting workers great effort (construction, mining, farmers).

Workers sitting

position of the chair should allow your back is straight and the hips approximately 90 ° flexed, so that your thighs are horizontal to the ground, also, the forearms should be horizontal.

The shape of the seat should allow your lower back remains slightly arched, to maintain the physiological curve of the back.

's gaze should be directed forward or slightly down, so no computer monitors to very low or very table at the sides, so that the neck is not rotate.

From time to time is advisable to stop and spend a few minutes stretching exercises. Each person has their own time but you should stop every hour or hour and a half.

stretching movements are gentle, slow and progressive in its execution, trying to achieve maximum mobility but without noticeable pain. It is normal "pop" the intervertebral joints to make them.

Some recommended exercises for the neck is smooth movements of the head in a circle, forward and backward and sideways, while maintaining high shoulders (the "shrug" relaxes the trapezius muscle, the source of much of the cervical contractures).

Another type of exercises are performed standing, for example by supporting each hand on one corner of the wall and allowing the body to lean forward while flexing the elbows and face tends to play against the wall. Also standing with your back straight, will cross with arms bent and elbows as much as possible try to direct them back.

The exercises recommended for lumbar, and often practiced lying dorsal face up in a relatively hard surface. Some of them are:

  • With an initial position of his arms crossed over his chest and knees slightly bent, raise the buttocks as possible;

  • In another exercise we start from a kneeling position straight and hands behind your head with fingers interlaced and progressively raise the elbows without unlocking the fingers.

Great efforts Workers

If work at heights must wear harness to prevent falls. They should also wear a helmet if there is danger of detachment (rocks, bricks, wood, etc.)..

If you are inclined to work and lifting weights is convenient to use a strong lumbar fascia at the time to lift the aim to keep back straight and knees slightly bent so that the effort is transmitted from the back of the thighs

Advantages of swimming

is the quintessential healing exercise. The thrust of the water reduces body weight and posture is horizontal, which suffers less from the chain backbone. The movements are harmonious, without which adversely impacts the vertebral joints and continuity of effort developing spinal musculature relaxes while.

Treatment of the contracture established

in the early days is desirable to use a brace, ie a ring that hold the painful area, downloading efforts. In the neck is a collar and a belt in the lower back. There are also bracing dorsal area specific, but generally less tolerant.

The neck collars should be used in the shortest possible time, usually measured in days, to avoid excessive muscle atrophy.

should apply local heat, well with the spray of the shower, electric blanket, etc..

relaxant medication (muscle relaxants) may be useful as well as analgesics.

In a chronic contractures may be useful to a specific cycle of therapy.

10 April, 2011

Senile Dementia: Can it be prevented?

Dementia ( Alzheimer disease , Parkinson disease with dementia and related disorders) are probably the most important clinical disorders of our time in terms of overhead for the affected individuals and their families and, of course, cost to society. Alzheimer's disease is between 60% and 80% of cases of dementia.

Lady with hat sitting in the field

It is estimated that in Spain there are currently between 600,000 and 1 million patients diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, the main type of dementia after 65 years of age. Every year in our country are almost 100,000 new cases of the disease in what has been described almost as an epidemic, which so concerns society, experts and authorities.

Can we prevent dementia?

That is the question, in capital letters. This article will briefly review some important facts of dementia, later to focus on the disease prevention measures currently in use or research.

Risk Factors

Age and a family history of disease are the two main risk factors for this devastating disorder. A history of first-degree relationship with a patient suffering from the disease increased 3 times the risk of contracting it. This relationship is especially true in cases where the disease appear early, ie in younger people. It was found that women at increased risk of Alzheimer's disease than men.

A low educational level is a known risk factor for developing Alzheimer's disease. The head trauma with loss of consciousness also increase the risk. Finally, there is evidence that atherosclerosis is a risk factor for both Alzheimer's disease to another type of dementia called vascular.

Parkinson's disease, such as common neurological disorder in the elderly and characterized among other signs and symptoms the appearance of tremor is associated with an increased risk of dementia. Approximately 1 to 4 patients with Parkinson's disease will eventually develop dementia.

What is Alzheimer's Disease and how it manifests?

Alzheimer's disease, the main type of dementia which is discussed mainly in this article, most often affects people over 65 years. Basically it is a serious disorder, progressive in nature, the functioning of the brain with impaired memory, thought process, speech and behavior. Its causes are not well known yet, although we know that there are significant structural and chemical changes in the brains of people who have it. These changes hamper the ability to process, store and retrieve information.

The clinical manifestations of the disease are highly variable and change as the condition progresses. At first common mood swings and personality. Later, see a recent memory impairment and difficulty finding the words you want. These changes may be subtle and unconsciously adapt the family can contribute to this decline in delayed recognition. Finally, affect other functional capabilities and problems arise, for example, driving a car, bring your own financial accounts, hygiene and meals, etc.. Displayed a gradual deterioration of language, disorientation in time and space, impaired ability to judge and difficulty recognizing even the members of his family. They often appear also psychiatric symptoms including paranoia, psychomotor agitation, irritability and frustration, anxiety , insomnia , inappropriate social behavior, hallucinations, etc..

Mild cognitive impairment

Mild cognitive impairment is a cognitive disorder located between the normal forgetfulness or physiological memory that occur with age and dementia. In this situation the patient, their family or doctor detect memory complaints, the patient remains normal daily activity (autonomy, ability to live alone), although there are difficulties in performing daily activities complex, there is an objective memory impairment, although global cognitive function is normal and is discarded by the different dementia clinical trials.

It is known that patients with mild cognitive impairment develop this dementia with a frequency of 10% to 15% per year, so these patients should keep a close medical supervision.

Preventive measures of dementia

in recent years and because they are not well known causes of Alzheimer's disease, has placed great emphasis on early diagnosis of the disease rather than preventive treatment or slow the disease.

Although there is no solid evidence that a change in lifestyle can prevent this disease, many scientific studies show that certain behaviors may help protect against mental decline. In particular, it was found that some drugs and lifestyles that protect the heart may also have their role in preventing this disease. Currently under investigation and measures many other drugs that briefly discussed below:

  • Some epidemiological studies have suggested that NSAIDs protect against development of Alzheimer's disease, although no conclusive evidence. In addition, other studies have linked long-term use of these drugs with the preservation of cognitive function and prevention of early cognitive impairment and a decreased incidence of Parkinson's disease. Some researchers, until you provide more conclusive data, have proposed a low dose of ibuprofen (200 mg / day) to prevent Alzheimer's disease, especially in those patients with a strong family history of disease and knowing that this treatment has not proven anything.

  • Some studies have suggested that the use of a statin, a drug commonly used to reduce blood cholesterol, may prevent the development of dementia.

  • It is proposed that antioxidants like vitamin E may be beneficial to delay disease progression in patients with established Alzheimer's disease. This substance could be delivered through the diet or supplements. Although no reliable data to suggest that taking vitamin prevent Alzheimer's disease, given their low risk, it could take a supplement of this substance to patients at high risk of developing dementia. It has been recommending the use of 400 to 800 IU of vitamin E in patients with a family history of Alzheimer's disease risk.

  • The high pressure is associated with an increased risk of both vascular dementia and Alzheimer's Disease. Some studies have suggested that reducing high blood pressure reduce the risk of dementia in elderly patients with a type called systolic hypertension. It has also been suggested that these changes in lifestyle and medications that reduce risk factors for heart disease and diabetes mellitus may be important to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

  • Although some preliminary epidemiological studies suggested that hormone replacement therapy could prevent prevent dementia, seems finally that it is not and may even increase it so now his administration is not recommended for prevention of dementia.

  • The physical activity and exercise can help maintain cognitive function, as demonstrated by scientific studies.

  • Likewise, cognitive activity may protect against dementia. Leisure activities like reading, playing board games and playing musical instruments in one study were associated with lower risk of developing dementia. Learning throughout life, social activities and behaviors, and reducing stress are useful measures to keep the mind active and energetic.

  • It seems that a diet rich in fish and omega 3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease, and a diet rich in cholesterol and saturated fatty acids may increase, although there is a clear and do a lot of controversy about .

  • Data on alcohol use and risk of dementia are also confusing. While alcoholism is associated with cognitive dysfunction, there is abundant evidence to suggest that light to moderate consumption of alcohol may be protective.

  • Research on animals have shown that vaccines derived from proteins found in the brains of animals suffering from this disease may be able to not only slow the progression of brain damage but even reverse it. In any case, these investigations are not available for human application until several years, although the findings are promising.

In conclusion, most data on dementia prevention comes from observational studies. Are currently being developed intervention prospective studies will clarify some of the questions raised so far. Meanwhile it has been proposed only for preventive administration of vitamin E and low dose of ibuprofen.

08 April, 2011

Symptoms of egg allergy

Symptoms of egg allergy. Among the benefits it provides food containing eggs found in optimum essential amino acids the body needs for protein formation. It is also rich in vitamins A, D, E and B and minerals such as iron, phosphorus and sodium. However, there are agencies that do not tolerate this food. Among the possible adverse reactions include the following. Allergy to eggs: symptoms • Crisis of urticaria accompanied by swelling of the cheeks, lips and eyelids. • Gastrointestinal upset. • Respiratory problems like asthma.
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