21 September, 2011

Face lifting

The face is the mirror of the soul, they say. Their delicate skin contains traces of the passing years, the harmful effects of sun exposure , and reflects the ups and downs, problems and sufferings of people, which often manifests as wrinkles, sagging skin folds pronouncement and accumulations or deposits of fat around the neck.

Operand.  In the foreground, surgical instruments
All surgery carries certain risks precesses

The face is, moreover, one of the body areas that people most often ask to be modified and the nose is an organ very prominent in shaping the face. This paper deals with two popular surgical techniques classified as plastic or cosmetic surgery of the face, rhinoplasty and facial skin tightening or lifting .

What is rhinoplasty?

nose surgery or rhinoplasty is one of the most commonly used surgical techniques in cosmetic and plastic surgery. Patients can ask their plastic surgeon to reduce or increase the size of your nose, change the shape of the tip of the nose or nasal bridge, change the degree and form of opening of the nostrils, or even the angle between the nose and upper lip. Some patients with nasal defects of birth, or injury, trauma or even trouble breathing through the nose for a deviated septum often also request this procedure.

What is?

Rhinoplasty is a surgical technique that involves separating the skin from the nose of the underlying structures of bone and nasal cartilage to once sculpted nose as desired and depending on the initial problem, re-attach the skin to the new structure. Most plastic surgeons perform the technique from inside the nose, making incisions in the nostrils inerior to avoid unsightly scars on the skin of the face. Other surgeons prefer what is called the "open surgery", ie, make the incision in the skin of the small wall between the nostrils, especially in more complicated cases.

After the surgery, the surgeon will usually place a small nasal cast or splint to keep the new shape of the nose.

This technique can be done with local or general anesthesia depending on patient preferences and the procedure to be followed.

Indications for rhinoplasty

course, the best candidates for rhinoplasty are suffering a people seeking to improve, but fails to look perfect. The technique can arise, as we have seen, both to achieve aesthetic goals and to correct birth defects or respiratory passages. Many surgeons prefer not to operate on teenagers until they complete their development to avoid problems later.

Risks, Complications and side effects

As with any surgical procedure, rhinoplasty involves always the possibility of occurrence of risks, complications and side effects. The most common complications are infection, nosebleed , or reactions to anesthesia .

After surgery the patient may experience headache , swollen face and pain in the nose. The swelling and bruising around the eyes are prominent at the beginning and gradually increase during the first 2-3 days, then fades away in a couple of weeks. You can reduce the inflammation by applying cold compresses, so the patient will feel better.

In the early days it is common to produce a small amount of bleeding from the nose and nasal stuffiness feeling for several weeks. Chances are that the patient can not blow your nose until several days or weeks to let the tissues heal and recover.

The facelift, or skin tightening facial

Surgery of facial skin tightening, technically known as rhytidectomy, it obviously can not stop the natural aging process, but it can improve the most visible signs of it through removal of excess fat in joining the underlying muscles and re-attach the sagging of the face and neck. Often this procedure arises simultaneously with others, such as stretching of the skin of the forehead, eyelid surgery or nose surgery or rhinoplasty, described above.

It is important to note that a facelift is a very individualized. The plastic surgeon will evaluate your face, including skin and bone structures, and advise the best procedure for each case.

What is?

It is difficult to establish exactly how to make a facial skin tightening because each surgeon has their own method for the procedure. The exact location of the incisions and the sequence of events depends on the patient's facial structure and technique, and surgeon preference.

But in general the skin incisions are made ​​initially by the hairline of the scalp over the temples, extend in a natural line in front of the ear (or just inside the front of the ear cartilage) and continues behind the lobe of the same to the lower scalp area. If you must work on the neck, you can also make a small incision under the chin.

In general, the surgeon separates the skin from underlying fat and muscle. Fat may be trimmed or suctioned from the neck area or the chin to improve contour. Then reinforces the underlying muscle and membrane, pulls the skin back and remove the excess of it. Stitches secure the layers of tissue and close the incisions can be used metal staples to the scalp. Commonly used local anesthetic and a sedative.

Who is subjected to this intervention?

generally undergo a facelift some people whose face and neck have begun to present sagging, but whose skin still retains some elasticity and whose bone structure is strong and well defined. Most of these patients are between 40 and 60 years, although this technique can also be performed in patients 70 to 80 years.

Risks, Complications and side effects

As with any surgical procedure, also stretching the facial skin and involves certain risks, although infrequent and mild, complications. The most common complications include hematoma, injury to the nerves that innervate the facial muscles (usually temporary and reversible), infection and adverse reactions to anesthesia.

Most of the scars are hidden within the hair and skin folds, therefore generally not be a problem.

During the early days operated patients experience a swelling of the face that prevents them from proper mobilization of the facial muscles, so feel stiff. As a curiosity, men who have surgery now find they need to shave in new places behind the neck and ears as they have been repositioned skin areas that generate facial hair in these new locations.

Many times, due to the passage of the years , which does not pass in vain, new interventions will be needed within 5 to 10 years to maintain the desired effect.

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